2003 CICA Meets / Shows / Events
Who We Are Corn Cribs Mickey the Corn-fed Cat Email Me
Seed Corn Signs A to Z Seed Corn Bushel Sacks A to Z Seed Corn 1/2 Bushel Sacks A to Z Seed Corn Sample Sacks A to Z
Funk's "G" Collection Coming Soon!
Northrup King / Kingscrost Collection
Coming Soon!
Seed Corn Brochures
Coming Soon!
Seed Corn Dryers
Corn Items Collectors Association, Inc. (CICA) CICA Membership Info 2003 CICA Meets/Shows/Events 2003 CICA Meet Photos
Page Updated 2/2003

2003 CICA Meets / Shows / Events

Click on the following link, CICA Meets / Shows / Events to open a current list for 2003. Please send me information about any upcoming shows that you would like added to this site. If you need any further information about the shows, please email me at the above link or refer to the 2003 "Fallow Issue" newsletter.

Mark your calendar, hope to see you there.....KMW